Advanced Additive Manufacturing Lab (AAML) was established in spring 2011 at the same time as Dr. Choi as a principal investigator joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Akron (UA). AAML accomplishes diverse and cutting-edge research in the area of Additive Manufacturing. Recent accomplishments include 3D printed tactile sensors, liquid-bridge microstereolithography, conformal additive manufacturing, 3D printing of rubber, etc. AAML welcomes those who are interested in research and development of new processes (e.g. multi-material, multi-scale, combined), materials (i.e. polymers, ceramics, metals, and their composites) and applications. Positions for graduate assistants are open with the preference of but not limited to mechatronics, automation, polymer synthesis, polymer nanocomposites, ceramics, metals, etc. Those who would like to join AAML need to email to Dr. Choi (jchoi1(at)uakron(dot)edu).