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Lee, H., Choi, J.W., Kyu, T., “A Comparative Study on Electrochemical Performance of Single versus Dual Networks in Lithium Metal/Polysulfide-Polyoxide Co-Network/Lithium Titanium Oxide Cathode,” Batteries, 10(5), 163, 2024.

Kim, D.Y., Kim. H.S., Kamath, S.S., Hou, X., Choi, J.W.*, Park, S.H.*, “TPMS-based auxetic structure for high-performance airless tires with variable stiffness depending on deformation,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, No. 1, 11419, 2024.

Tabatabaei, B., Basnet, B., Choi, J.W.*, “Additive manufacturing of synthetic rubber ink with high solid content reinforced by networked silica,” ACS Rubber Chemistry and Technology, May 11, 2024.

Hossain, M.J., Kiki, M., Tabatabaei, B., Choi, J.W.*, “Additive manufacturing of sensors: A comprehensive review,” IJPEM-GT, Published online, May 2, 2024.

Kamath, S., Choi, J.W.*, “Additive manufacturing of fluoroelastomer latex: A direct-ink writing approach,” ACS Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Published online, April 25, 2024.


Kim. H.S., Kim, D.Y., Choi, J.W., Park, S. H., “High stability in compressive and shear behavior of airless tire using primitive TPMS-based cylindrical spoke,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, 2023.

Alandur Ramesh, B.R., Basnet, B., Huang, R., Jeong, J., Lee, H., Kyu, T., Choi, J.W.*, “The Promise of 3D Printed Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Developing Sustainable Batteries: A Techno-Commercial Perspective,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, 2023.

Emon, O.F., Sun, H., Rahim, A., Choi, J.W.*, “An ionic liquid-based stretchable sensor to measure normal and shear force,” Soft Robotics, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2023.


Tabatabaei, B., Huang, R. and Choi, J.W.*, “Ch. 12: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing,” Smart Manufacturing, The Lean Six Sigma Way edited by Anthony Tarantino, Wiley, May 2022.

Huang, R., Urban, A., Jiao, D., Zhe, J., Choi, J.W.*, “Proximity inductive sensors within a ceramic package manufactured by material extrusion of binder-coated zirconia,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 1, 113497, 2022.

Emon, O.F., Alkadi, F., Kiki, M., Choi, J.W.*, “Conformal 3D printing of a polymeric tactile sensor,Additive Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 2, 100027, 2022.


Kamath, S.S., Choi, J.W.*, “3D printing of synthetic rubber ink via direct ink writing process,” Rubber World, Vol. 265, No. 2, pp. 40-45, 2021.

Huang, R., Elassi, J., Kim, M., Jo, K.H., Lee, S.K., Morscher, G., Choi, J.W.*, “Material extrusion and sintering of binder-coated zirconia: comprehensive characterizations,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 45, 102073, 2021.

Emon, M.O.F., Russel, A., Nardkarni, G., Choi, J.W.*, “A Low-Cost Visual Grasp Aid for Neuropathy Patients Using Flexible 3D Printed Tactile Sensors,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 15, 034502-1, 2021.

Mummareddy, B., Negro, D., Bharambe, V., Oh, Y., Burden, E., Ahlfors, M., Choi, J.W., Du Plessis, A., Adams, J., MacDonald, E., Pedro C. “Mechanical Properties of Material Jetted Zirconia Complex Geometries with Hot Isostatic Pressing,” Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 3, 100052, 2021.

Kim, M., Choi, J.W.*, “Rubber ink formulations with high solid content for direct-ink write process,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 44, 102023, 2021.

Dilibal, S. Sahin, H., Danquah, O., Emon, M.O.F., Choi, J.W.*, “Additively Manufactured Custom Soft Gripper with Embedded Soft Force Sensors for an Industrial Robot,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 22, pp. 709-718, 2021.

Kim, M., Philip, D., Emon, M.O.F., Choi, J.W.*, “Effects of Hardness on the Sensitivity and Load Capacity of 3D Printed Sensors,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 22, pp. 484-494, 2021.


Alamdari, A., Lee, J., Emon, M.O.F., Kim, M., Dhinojwala, A., Choi, J.W.*, “Effect of Surface Energy Reducing Agents on Adhesion Force in Liquid Bridge Microstereolithography,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 36, pp. 101522, 2020.

Lin, M., Dilibal, S., Vatani, M., Choi, J.W., Engeberg, E., “Compliant Underwater Manipulator with Integrated Tactile Sensor for Nonlinear Force Feedback Control of an SMA Actuation System,” Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 315, pp. 112221, 2020.

Alkadi, F., Lee, K.C., Abdullateef H. Bashiri and Choi, J.W.*, “Conformal Additive Manufacturing using a Direct-Print Process,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 32, 100975, 2020.


Emon, M.O.F., Lee, J., Choi, U.H., Kim, D.H., Lee, K.C., Choi, J.W.*, “Characterization of a Soft Pressure Sensor on the basis of Ionic Liquid Concentration and Thickness of the Piezoresistive Layer,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, No. 15, pp. 6076-6084, 2019.

Emon, M.O.F., Alkadi, F., Philip, D., Kim, D.H., Lee, K.C., Choi, J.W.*, “Multi-Material 3D Printing of a Soft Pressure Sensor,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 6, pp. 629-638, 2019.

Copploe, A., Vatani, M., Choi, J.-W., Tavana, H., “A three-dimensional model of human lung airway tree to study therapeutics delivery in the lungsAnnals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 1435-1445., 2019.

Alkadi, F., Lee, J., Yeo, J.S., Hwang, S.H., Choi, J.W.*, “3D Printing of Ground Tire Rubber Composites,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 211-222, 2019.


Jain, T. Saylor, D., Piard, C., Liu, Q. , Patel, V., Kaushal, R., Choi, J.W., Fisher, J., Isayeva, I., Joy, A., “Effect of dexamethasone on room temperature 3D printing, rheology, and degradation of a low modulus polyester for soft tissue engineering,” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 846-858, 2018.

Govindarajan, S.R., Jain, T., Choi, J.W., Joy, A., Isaeyva, I., Vorvolakos, K., “A hydrophilic coumarin-based polyester for ambient-temperature initiator-free 3D printing: Chemistry, rheology and interface formation,” Polymer, Vol. 152, pp. 9-17, 2018.

Copploe, A., Vatani, M., Amini, R., Choi, J.W., Tavana, H., “Engineered Airway Models to Study Liquid Plug Splitting at Bifurcations: Effects of Orientation and Airway Size,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 9, pp. 091012 (8 pages), 2018.

Jo, K.H., Lee, S.H., Choi, J.W.*, “Liquid Bridge Stereolithography – A Proof of Concept,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 19(2), pp. 1253-1259, 2018.

Vatani, M., Alkadi, F., Choi, J.W.*, “Algorithm to Reduce Leading and Lagging in Conformal Direct-Print,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 10, 101014 (8 pages), 2018.

Lee, J., Lu, Y., Kashyap, S., Alamdari, A., Emon, M.O.F., Choi, J.W.*, “Liquid Bridge Microstereolithography,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 21, pp. 76-83, 2018.

Lee, J.K., Choi, J.W., Lee, K.C., Lee, S., “Development of a Direct-Printed Tactile Sensor for Slip Detection and Its Application to Gripper Control,” International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 929-936, 2018.

Thyagaraj, S., Pahlavian, S.H., Loth, F., Vatani, M., Choi, J.W., Tubbs, S., Giese, D., Kroger, J.-R., Bunck, A.C., Martin, B., “An MRI-Compatible Hydrodynamic Simulator of Cerebrospinal Fluid Motion in the Cervical Spine,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 65, No. 7, pp. 1516-1523, 2018.


Lee, J., Kim, H.C., Choi, J.W., and Lee, I.H., “A review on 3D printed smart devices for 4D printing,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 373-383, 2017.

Emon, M.O.F., Choi, J.W.*, “Flexible piezoresistive sensors embedded in 3D printed tires,” Sensors, Vol. 17, No. 3, 656 (13 pages), 2017.

Vatani, M., Choi, J.W.*, “Direct-print photopolymerization for 3D printing,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 337-343, 2017.

Lee, J., Emon, M.O.F., Vatani, M., Choi, J.W.*, “Effect of degree of crosslinking and polymerization of 3D printable polymer/ionic liquid composites on performance of stretchable piezoresistive sensors,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 26, 035043 (8 pages), 2017.


Govindarajan, S.R., Xu, Y., Swanson, J.P., Jain, T., Lu, Y., Choi, J.W., Joy, A., “A Solvent and Initiator Free, Low-Modulus, Degradable Polyester Platform with Modular Functionality for Ambient-Temperature 3D Printing,” Macromolecules, Vol. 49, No. 7: pp. 2479 – 2437, 2016.

Vatani, Morteza, Vatani, Mohammad, Choi, J.W.*, “Multi-layer stretchable pressure sensors using ionic liquids and carbon nanotubes,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 108, pp. 061908 (5 pages), 2016.

Hasan, M.N., Vatani, M., Chandy, A., Choi, J.W.*, “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Filament Front Deformation for Direct-Print,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 1, pp. 011003 (12 pages), 2016.


Lu, Y., Yun, H.Y., Vatani, M., Kim, H.C., Choi, J.W.*, “Direct-Print/Cure as a Molded Interconnect Device (MID) Process for Fabrication of Automobile Cruise Controllers,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 5377-5385, 2015.

Hasan, M.N., Chandy, A., Choi, J.W.*, “Numerical Analysis of Droplet Impact and Consequent Deformation for Direct-Print,” Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 554-566, 2015.

Lu, Y., Mantha, S.N., Crowder, D.C., Chinchilla, S., Yun, Y.H., Wicker, R.B., Choi, J.W.*, “Microstereolithography and Characterization of Poly(propylene fumarate)-based Drug-loaded Microneedle Arrays,” Biofabrication, Vol. 7, pp. 045001 (13 pages), (Media released in IOP Publishing), 2015.

Engeberg, E., Dilibal, S., Vatani, M., Choi, J.W., Lavery, J., “Anthropomorphic Finger Antagonistically Actuated by SMA Plates,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 10, pp. 056002 (15 pages), 2015.

Vatani, M., Engeberg, E.D., Choi, J.W.*, Conformal Direct-Print of Piezoresistive Polymer/Nanocomposites for Compliant Multi-layer Tactile Sensors,” Additive Manufacturing, 7, pp. 73-82, 2015.

Vatani, M., Lu, Y., Engeberg, E.D., Choi, J.W.*, “Combined 3D Printing Technologies and Materials for Fabrication of Tactile Sensors,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 1375-1383, 2015.


Vatani, M., Engeberg, E.D., Choi, J.W.*, “Detection of the Position, Direction, and Speed of Sliding Contact with a Multi-layer Compliant Tactile Sensor Fabricated using Direct-Print Technology,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, pp. 0905008 (11pp), 2014.


Lu, Y., Vatani, M., Choi, J.W.*, “Direct-Write/Cure Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites for 3D Structural Electronics,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 10, pp. 2929-2934, 2013.

Vatani, M., Engeberg, E.D., Choi, J.W.*, “Force and Slip Detection with Direct-Write Compliant Tactile Sensors Using Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites,” Sensors and Actuators A – Physical, Vol. 195, pp. 90-97 (Featured in the ScienceDirect Top 25 List of Most Downloaded Articled), 2013.

Vatani, M., Lu, Y., Lee, K.S., Kim, H.C., Choi, J.W.*, “Direct-write stretchable sensors using single-walled carbon nanotubes/polymer matrix,” ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 135, pp. 011009-1-5, 2013.


Wu, H., Hu, W., Hu, H-C., Lin, X-W., Zhu, G., Choi, J.W., Chigrinov V., Lu, Y-Q., “Arbitrary photo-patterning in liquid crystal alignments using DMD based lithography system,” Optics Express, Vol. 20, Iss. 15, pp. 16684-16689, 2012.


Choi, J.W.*, Quintana, R., Wicker, R., “Fabrication and characterization of embedded horizontal micro-channels using line-scan stereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 17, Issue 5, pp. 351-361, 2011.

Choi, J.W., Kim, H.C., Wicker, R., “Multi-material stereolithography,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 211, pp. 318-328, 2011.

Choi, J.W., Medina, F., Kim, C., Espalin, D., Rodriguez, D., Stucker, B., Wicker, R., “Development of a mobile fused deposition modeling system with enhanced manufacturing flexibility,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 211, pp. 424-432, 2011.

Before 2010

Choi, J.W.*, Yamashita, M., Sakakibara, J., Kaji, Y., Oshika, T., Wicker, R., “Combined Micro and Macro Additive Manufacturing of a Swirling Flow Coaxial Phacoemulsifier Sleeve with Internal Micro-Vanes,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 12, pp. 875-886, 2010.

Choi, J.W.*, MacDonald, E., Wicker, R.B., “Multi-Material Microstereolithography,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 543-551, 2010.

Kim, H.C., Choi, J.W., Wicker, R.B., “Scheduling and process planning for multiple material stereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 232-240, 2010.

Kim, H.C., Choi, J.W., MacDonald, E., Wicker, R.B., “Slice Overlap Detection Algorithm for the Process Planning of Multiple-Material Stereolithography,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 46, No. 9, pp. 1161 – 1170, 2010.

Quintana, R., Choi, J.W., Puebla, K., Wicker, R.B., “Effects of build orientation on tensile strength for stereolithography manufactured ASTM D-638 Type I specimens of DSM SOMOS® 11120 resin,” International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 46, No. 1-4, pp. 201-215, 2010.

Choi, J.W., Choi, K.H., Chung, I., Ha, C.S., Lee, S.H., Wicker, R.B., “Fabrication of 3D Biocompatible/biodegradable Micro-Scaffolds using dynamic Mask Projection Microstereolithography,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 29, pp. 5494-5503, 2009.

Choi, J.W., Wicker, R.B., Cho, S.H., Ha, C.S., Lee, S.H., “Cure depth control for complex 3D microstructure fabrication in dynamic mask projection microstereolithography,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 59-70, 2009.

Park, I.B., Choi, J.W., Lee, S.H., “Multiple fabrications of sacrificial layers to enhance the dimensional accuracy of microstructures in maskless projection microstereolithography,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 91-98, 2009.

Ha, Y.M., Choi, J.W., Lee, S.H., “Mass Production of 3-D Microstructures Using Projection Microstereolithography,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 514~521, 2008.

Choi, J.W., Ha, Y.M., Choi, K.H., Lee, S.H., “Fabrication of 3-Dimensional Microstructures using Dynamic Image Projection,” Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 339, pp. 473-478, 2007.

Choi, J.W., Ha, Y.M., Lee, S.H., Choi, K.H., “Design of Microstereolithography System based on Dynamic Image Projection for Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Microstructures,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 2094-2104, 2006.

Choi, J.W., Hur, S.M., Lee, S.H., “Free-form Surface Generation from Measuring Points using Laser Scanner,” International Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 15-23, 2002.